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The Challenge of Muay Thai

I studied Junki Hapkido for six years before beginning my study of Muay Thai with Master K.    I had decided to study a second martial art to compliment Hapkido, and had always been interested in what little I knew of Muay Thai.    In completing my research of potential sources of Muay Thai training, I discovered Master K, and knew right away that from him I could learn its true secrets.

From the beginning of my study with Master K, I realized that I’d have to learn an entirely new way of thinking and physical movement.    That has presented me with a large challenge, which I continue to face with each lesson.    Through this work,  I’ve come to appreciate that the power of Muay Thai is in the use of the whole body as the weapon—shoulders, back, abdomen, and hips even more than arms and legs—and I I continually look to improve those abilities as I build my foundation.

Regarding a new way of thinking, my study with Master K is helping me get to a new level of drive and determination, which is benefiting me in my life as well as in my training. 

I’m looking forward to continuing my study of Muay Thai with Master K, and I realize that it’ll take a lifetime to truly master this art.  

Chuck Kovach
Director of Learning and Development

Chuck Kovach

